Do you think that you can love your job in finance?

By Deepak Sain

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Do you think that you can love your job in finance?

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In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the term “job in finance” encompasses a myriad of roles. While the phrase might seem like an umbrella term, my journey through various financial niches has revealed a world of enjoyment amidst the diversity. From quant development to market risk and corporate ventures, my career has been a rollercoaster of experiences, each contributing to a profound connection with the finance realm.

Do you think that you can love your job in finance?

The Golden Era

During the peak of finance’s glory days, I found myself thriving in an environment that allowed me to be authentic. Engaging in quant development, market risk assessments, and even collaborating with global corporations like Volvo in Sweden, the heyday of finance was more than just a job – it was a lifestyle. The camaraderie, the shared language among colleagues, and the perks of good money and travel made it a home away from home. As a consultant, the flexibility extended to bringing my wife along on assignments, creating memorable experiences where work seamlessly blended with personal enjoyment.

The Downfall: Regulations and PC Culture

Despite the enjoyment, the tide began to turn with the onset of regulations and the infiltration of politically correct (PC) rules. What was once a vibrant front office floor, filled with banter and camaraderie, gradually transformed into a hushed environment. The intrusive nature of risk assurance, controls, and internal and external audits took a toll, replacing the joyous atmosphere with a fake sense of security.

Do you think that you can love your job in finance?

Personal anecdotes illustrate the absurdities of this new era: a colleague terminated over a social media post, the stifling of casual banter, and the absurdity of gender and diversity quotas that often led to impractical expectations. The once-thriving workplace culture succumbed to unnecessary bureaucracy and a PC atmosphere, turning the finance industry into an environment far from the one I fell in love with.

Struggling with Change

The struggle to adapt to this new reality is real. Building reports that are unnecessary, implementing controls that make no sense, and engaging in discussions with auditors who seem to revel in finding mistakes became the norm. The once dynamic and passionate discussions turned into formalities, as the genuine enjoyment of the job took a back seat to compliance and regulatory demands.

Do you think that you can love your job in finance?

A vivid example of this shift is captured in a hot-desking experience, where a casual call turned into an unfiltered expression of frustration. Profanity-laden discussions about a colleague’s mistake were met with disapproval, highlighting the clash between the old and new dynamics. However, amidst the formal complaints, there were moments of levity, demonstrating the resilience of the human spirit in the face of bureaucratic challenges.

Conclusion :

In this journey through the evolution of finance careers, the landscape has changed, but the passion remains. The struggle against regulations and PC culture is a shared experience, as professionals seek to balance the demands of the modern finance world with the intrinsic joy that drew them to the industry. The hope lies in a harmonious blend of tradition and progress, where the love for finance can coexist with the necessary changes. As we navigate the shifting tides, there is an opportunity for rediscovery and a renewed sense of enjoyment in the ever-changing world of finance.

How has the finance industry changed over the years?

The finance industry has undergone significant transformation, moving from a dynamic, free-spirited culture to one marked by increased regulation, controls, and a politically correct environment.

How did regulation impact job satisfaction in finance?

The imposition of regulations led to a shift in workplace dynamics, affecting the spontaneity and camaraderie that once defined the industry. Employees grappled with the balance between compliance and job enjoyment.

What challenges arose from diversity and gender quotas in finance?

While well-intentioned, diversity quotas sometimes led to impractical expectations, limiting the pool of qualified candidates and causing frustration among employees.

How did personal interactions change in the regulated environment?

The shift towards a politically correct atmosphere stifled casual banter and frank discussions, impacting the once-vibrant workplace culture. Colleagues found themselves navigating a more formal and regulated setting.

Is there hope for rediscovering passion in finance?

Despite the challenges, there’s optimism for a harmonious blend of tradition and progress in the finance sector. Adapting to the evolving landscape can pave the way for a renewed sense of enjoyment in the profession.

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Deepak Sain

Hi, I'm Deepak Sain, A skilled content writer with 7 years' expertise, adept at creating engaging, impactful content across diverse niches

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